Industry Deep Dive: AI for Events

Elevating Event Experiences to a New Level

Hi there,

Today, I'm trying something different. Instead of diving deep into a single AI use case or explaining a specific AI concept, I'd like to explore how AI is adding value across various industries.

And where better to start than with the industry I've worked with the most? Events, trade shows, and exhibitions! This industry isn't typically known for rapid innovation, which makes it an ideal example – showing that AI isn't just transforming high-tech sectors but is impacting virtually every business.

For this, I'm excited not to be going it alone. Colja Dams from VOK DAMS, Europe’s leading agency for events and live-marketing, is joining me, bringing six AI use cases they've worked on in recent months.

So, let's dive in and see how AI is supercharging events!

Want to identify use cases like the ones below for your own industry or business? Then check out my upcoming AI LIVE Workshops to learn how to drive more business growth and innovation with AI:

My goal is to take the complexity out of AI and give you clear, actionable strategies to drive real results for your business.

AI for Events - Elevating Personalized Experiences

Whether it's large-scale kick-off events, product launches, or leadership conferences, events are more than just gatherings – they're opportunities for unforgettable experiences, idea exchange, and valuable networking. So, how can AI enhance these moments?

Successful events are built on careful planning, targeted communication, and active engagement. With AI augmentation, new possibilities emerge through enhanced personalization and improved efficiency.

AI offers numerous ways to enrich the event experience, from registration to execution and follow-up. It enables a deeper understanding of guest preferences, personalized communication, and tailored experiences, bringing events to an entirely new level.

6 Use Cases to Enhance Your Event with AI

Here are 6 practical use cases that event organizers can implement TODAY:

1. AI Service Hotline

Event attendees have lots of questions - all the time.

VOK DAMS has worked on an AI-powered hotline for managing recurring participant inquiries. This allows for a more efficient, personalized service without relying on costly call centers. Built with ChatGPT and AI Voice technology, the AI can use information from FAQs, websites, and PDFs to answer questions accurately and autonomously. Pre-trained for specific information and tone, it responds to users with a consistent voice and mood that aligns with the event's vibe.

One major advantage is that this AI adapts and improves immediately as new knowledge is added – in real-time. Besides being available 24/7 and supporting participants around the clock, it also delivers valuable insights for event organizers, helping them to understand what matters most to attendees at which time.

2. Individual Video Messages

Imagine signing up for your next company event, and then being greeted by a personalized welcome message from their CEO – speaking your very own language.

Thanks to AI, this is now relatively easily possible. Thanks to AI-powered video avatars, pre-recorded videos can be translated into nearly any language, preserving the original speaker's voice and making lip movements look natural, while allowing to insert personalized messages tailored to the individual attendee.

This creates new ways to connect with attendees, such as personalized welcome videos in their native language, bridging language gaps and strengthening engagement.

Whether for training sessions, product presentations, or webinars, these translations and customizations promote inclusion, allowing clear and effective communication in any language. It's a step towards more diverse, accessible events, supporting global participation.

3. AI Simultaneous Translation

Even at relatively small events, you'll often encounter a dozen different languages spoken on-site.

Many organizers default to English, which can leave behind those less comfortable with it or create a barrier for non-native speakers, allowing them to say only what they can, rather than what they truly want. This is where AI audio-to-audio translation comes in, transforming how international events handle language diversity. It provides a cost-effective alternative to traditional interpreters, supporting multilingual communication in over 40 languages and enabling speakers to express themselves authentically in their own language, ensuring clear and engaging messages for all attendees.

By minimizing language barriers, participants can focus fully on the content, leading to more meaningful interactions and a more satisfying experience. This AI solution raises the bar for inclusivity, enriching the experience for global attendees and setting a new standard in event accessibility.

4. Personalized After-Event Photo Experience

Let's snap a picture!

Event-goers love capturing and sharing their experiences through photos. While professional photographers often cover these events, it can be challenging to locate the exact photos you appear in. That's where VOK DAMS' AI photo application comes in. Using facial recognition, it instantly identifies and delivers guests' photos directly to them, eliminating the need to sift through hundreds of images to find their own. This entirely voluntary and GDPR-compliant feature enhances the attendee experience by making it effortless to access personal event highlights.

The application also generates custom templates aligned with the event's branding, making it easy for guests to share memories on social media. Each shared photo boosts the event's visibility and fosters lasting connections among attendees. With language barriers reduced, participants can focus more on the content, leading to deeper engagement and satisfaction. This AI solution sets a new standard for inclusivity, enriching the event experience for global audiences.

5. Choosing the Best Event Destination from Attendees' Perspective

Where should we host our next event?

Selecting the right venue involves balancing factors like capacity, accessibility, ambiance, and sustainability. The AI-powered DestinationFinder used by VOK DAMS considers travel times, costs, and CO₂ emissions to suggest the most suitable, sustainable locations.

By optimizing travel and logistics, the AI tool helps organizers make more eco-friendly choices and ensures smoother, more comfortable experiences for attendees. Thoughtful travel planning also enhances the overall vibe of the event, encouraging relaxed and engaged participation.

6. AI Event Concierge

Having questions answered over a support hotline is helpful, but what if the AI assistant could go beyond answering questions to actually taking actions? Currently in development yet already functional with partners, the AI event concierge advances the traditional event hotline to the next level. This adaptable digital assistant is available online, through mobile apps, and even at on-site display terminals.

More than a basic FAQ tool, the AI concierge provides tailored guidance, assisting attendees with event navigation, signing them up for workshops or sessions, and even helping them connect with valuable networking contacts.

By adapting to the event's branding, the concierge offers a consistent, personalized experience. This not only improves the flow of information but also enriches attendees' overall experience, making it easier to explore the event fully with features like customized workshop recommendations.


This is just a glimpse of what AI can bring to the event industry, and the boundaries of what's possible are expanding every day. The question is – can you identify relevant opportunities and bring them to life, either on your own or with the support of reliable partners?

If you're interested in exploring specific AI tools and their applications in events, feel free to check out the free VOK DAMS handout on AI products or reach out for a no-obligation conversation.

Just reply to this email with "Events", and we'll get in touch!

Keep innovating and exploring with AI!

Colja & Tobias

P.S. If you'd like to learn how to identify impactful AI use cases for your own industry and business, don't miss my upcoming AI Capability Mapping workshop.


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