Build a Custom LLM Chatbot on Your Enterprise Data

How to leverage the Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) Architecture for your use case

Read time: 7 minutes

Hi there,

Today, we'll explore how to create a custom LLM-powered chatbot from your enterprise data that keeps sensitive information secure.

Chatbots can streamline processes and save time, but building one without exposing private data is challenging.

We'll discuss the Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) Architecture, a solution that helps protect sensitive data while still delivering a great chatbot experience.

Let's dive in!

Understanding the Retrieval-Augmented Generation Architecture (RAG)

Most enterprise customers are still hesitant to touch LLM technology because they are afraid that:

  • it's hard to do technically

  • it requires exposing their private data

  • it's still experimental and not ready for production

  • it requires them to fine-tune an LLM which is expensive

The Retrieval-Augmented Generation Architecture addresses these concerns.

To make things clear up front:

There isn't a single best way to build your custom chatbot.

Depending on your setup it might indeed be very hard or you might indeed need to fine-tune an LLM over multiple rounds of iteration.

But the RAG-Architecture is usually a good place to start.

Let's look at it from a high level and a concrete use case:

Step 1: Problem Statement

Here’s our example:

Our enterprise needs an internal chatbot that can provide straightforward answers to common HR-related questions from employees, such as how to apply for leave and where to find specific policy documents.

The kind of problem you want to solve dictates the architecture of your chatbot.

Here are some clarifying questions you should anwer for yourself:

  • What's the goal of your chatbot?

  • Will it be used internally or externally?

  • Which data sources will your chatbot access?

  • Do you need to consider individual access rights?

  • Who should be involved in the development process?

  • Should the chatbot be able to cite sources and provide links?

In our example, the main purpose of the chatbot is to provide HR-related guidance to internal employees to reduce the workload of HR staff. The information is largely stored in PDF documents, and we want to cite the source from which the bot got the answer and provide links to relevant policy documents.

Step 2: Solution Breakdown

The RAG architecture (see figure below) solves this problem by integrating two key components: a Retriever component a Generator component.

The Retriever component is responsible for finding relevant information based on the user's input, while the Generator uses this information to provide a natural language response.

Besides that, a user-facing application will handle the interface and integration of the two components.

Let's walk through this architecture step-by-step and explore what's happening here.

User Layer

The user layer is the frontend that the user interacts with. When designing an application like this, it's important to be clear about the requirements and user stories.

That means:

What should the chatbot be able to do and how will users interact with it?

This has nothing to do with AI.

Just good old UX design.

In our example, let's say it's an internal web application where users can enter a text query. They will receive answers in the chat window related to HR policies and procedures, with a hyperlink to the original documents if necessary.

The chatbot should refuse to answer any question that is not found in the document. For example, if a user asks it about the weather or the CEO's performance, it will provide a defined response such as "I can't answer that".

We will learn how to implement this later.

Data Layer

Before we dive into the Generator and Retriever components, let's quickly discuss the data layer of this use case.

As mentioned above, we're not training or fine-tuning an LLM. So the data layer would consist only of the documents you want the chatbot to have access to, such as PDFs, HTML, Office documents, or any other format that the Retriever component can work with.

To keep things simple in our example, let's assume all files are stored in a GDrive folder and we're working mostly with PDFs.

We will also store the queries and answers in a separate log file so that we can access it later for monitoring.

Time to look into the analysis layer!

Analysis Layer

The analysis layer is where "the magic happens".

In this layer, we need three key components:

  • The Generator (the LLM)

  • The Retriever (the search model)

  • The App Server (our backend)

To demonstrate the interplay between them, let's look at an example.

Understanding the question entry

Suppose the user asks the following question:

"How many days can I take off?"

The language model (Generator) will interpret the user's input and analyze it to understand their intent. It will then format this into a query that the Retriever can work to fetch the relevant documents.

Example keywords: “Working time regulations”, “holidays”, “vacation”

The Retriever can be literally any search component - from a classical keyword-based search, to a vector-based semantic search powered by another LLM or a combination of both approaches. In enterprise cases, you could also rely on a fully managed search service like Azure Cognitive Search or Google Cloud Search.

The strength of this architecture lies in its ability to leverage the flexibility of the LLM to comprehend the user's intent and to provide information to the Retriever in an appropriate way (e. g. keywords or embeddings).

That makes it a powerful combination to understand what the user really wants and get the most relevant documents.

The Retriever will then go and find the top N relevant documents from our file system.

So what's next?

Generating the answer

Instead of just showing the documents in a list form, we can use the Generator again to summarize and paraphrase the relevant information in a conversational style that is easy for users to understand.

So instead of just showing the vacation policy document, the Generator could formulate an answer like:

"You can take 28 days of paid leave and an additional 30 days of unpaid leave, subject to your manager's approval. See these documents for more information: ..."

To create this answer, the Generator takes the relevant snippets found by the retriever and adds them directly to the prompt as additional context - so there's no fine-tuning involved.

This way, the conversation feels more natural and engaging, and the users get the information they need immediately, without going through a long list of documents.

So how do we control the behavior of the chatbot and prevent it from answering questions that are not found in the documents?

Well, we simply specify the desired behavior in the system prompt. For example, we could create a system prompt like this:

Act as a document that I am having a conversation with. Your name is "AI Assistant". You will provide me with answers from the given context. If the answer is not included, say exactly "I don’t know, please contact HR". Refuse to answer any question not about the context.

That's how we deploy a chatbot without exposing private data and controlled behavior.

Step 3: Limitations

But wait a minute! you might say.

The LLM can still access the user inputs and also the relevant parts from the documents that the user searched for. So don't we expose sensitive information here?

It’s true that there is still a risk of exposing sensitive information when using this architecture, as the LLM handles the user inputs and sees parts of the relevant documents.

This is where you need to balance things off.

If you have highly sensitive documents, it's essential to prevent any private data from being leaked during the information retrieval process. One way to do this is by deploying or building your own LLM in-house.

On the other hand, if you are more concerned with trustworthy data processing that occurs within your organization or a specific region, you can try using enterprise-integrated LLMs such as OpenAI on Microsoft Azure which lets you deploy any OpenAI model within your Azure subscription in your desired region. With this approach, you can have contracts and policies in place to control your data and ensure that it's not exposed or used for further training.

To sum up, deploying a chatbot that preserves customer privacy requires thoughtful consideration of the data sources and resources used.

Step 4: Next steps

Of course, we've only covered the tip of the iceberg. If you wanted to bring a use case like this into production there are some more things you should consider.

Examples include:

  • Access management

  • Monitoring the performance

  • Controlling the LLM behavior and guardrails

While none of these points is trivial, they are also far away from being insurmountable challenges. The RAG architecture provides you with a solid foundation to build upon, and with proper planning and execution, a privacy-preserving chatbot can be successfully deployed for your organization.

Feel free to reach out if you need help!


I hope you have seen how you can deploy a custom LLM-based chatbot while keeping data secure using the RAG architecture.

If you like, you can dive deeper from there, focusing on either the information retrieval or generation parts, and consider different options for building the chatbot.

As always, thanks for reading.

Hit reply and let me know what think - I'd love to hear from you!

See you next Friday,



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